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Resume Coaching Services

Resume Coaching

Your Resume and cover letter are your 'foot in the door' and if they are not done correctly, you will simply be wasting your time, because in many instances, your resume will never even make it to a real person. A great number of resumes are initially scanned and filtered by computer software and if you do not fully understand how to write your resume and cover letter in the specific manner required to meet the criteria established by the program, your resume is simply deleted or disregarded, meaning that you will have lost any chance of gaining an interview.

Benefits of Hiring Career Smarts Services

The CareerSmarts Coach will distil the elements of your career and package a professional quality resume that will market your strengths and experiences using the current relevant language that will appeal to employers and human resource professionals.

Your CareerSmarts Coach will train you to generate a Value Proposition statement that will strongly address the requirements of any targeted position. This statement will anchor your resume. Then you will learn how to concisely feature your career accomplishments in a way that will actively portray your suitability for the position.

The qualifications statements will depict the transferrable skills that underpin your ongoing accomplishments while echoing the requirements of a position. The final product CareerSmarts resume is a concise and targeted picture of your suitability for the desired position anchored by a clear statement of what you can do for their organization.

The well designed resume process prepares you to best control the interview. The accomplishment statements in the resume become the answers to the behavioural questions that are the mainstay of the interview. The accomplishment statements provide the examples that support your suitability in the interview .

We will also train you to quickly generate a cover letter that will “at a glance” show that you have the skills, knowledge and experience that the prospective employers are seeking. The cover letter that most employees require must indicate that you are focused on the needs of the employer when you indicate that you possess and have used the experience and knowledge that they seek. Our CareerSmarts cover letters are easy to prepare and clearly show the “Fit” that gets interviews.

Resume Coaching & Resume Development, Just contact [email protected]

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